Announcing Alps DAO

1 min readNov 21, 2021


Imagine a future where voting, choosing, and ultimately deciding what you and the community of your favorite project wants were as easy as Providing Liquidity and Yield Farming. Where to get your opinion out there and spark a new solution, huge stakes and amounts of capital inaccessible to most aren’t required. This is the Alps DAO Vision.

Alps DAO is a platform made by Defi Users to Defi Users. It brings a genuinely decentralized voting mechanism and unifies governance for all protocols. A Vision where users with as little as $100 worth of assets can create proposals that obtain approval and essentially impact Billions of dollars. This is the Power of a truly decentralized DAO.

Below is a brief visual representation of how Alps DAO works.

With Alps DAO, Users now have access to:

  • Participate in a platform where Governance is truly decentralized for the masses.
  • Individuals can now have a bigger impact while traditionally having no significant influence over decisions.
  • Quickly organize and unite against a whale governance attack, protecting core Binance projects from exploits.
  • Much more.

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Join the Alps DAO Community, and start engaging with other people who truly care about the Binance Ecosystem, and want to improve upon it.

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Alps DAO is an innovation-driven project focused on tackling new and exciting products that range from DeFi, DAOs, NFTs, and more.